The illustrative subject matter in this series presents a variety of images painted against color fields and decorative borders. The paintings on gesso board blend figurative subjects with text and graphics to convey a story. Some of these works incorporate a mixed media approach, using oil, acrylic, or spray paint as my media.
DeConstruction No. 5: All in a Row
DeConstruction No. 7: Silence and Stone
DeConstruction No. 2: Two by Two
DeConstruction No. 8: Cakewalk
DeConstruction No. 12: Parrot Tulips
DeConstruction No. 9: Irony (Oh, Sweet Mystery of Life)
DeConstruction No. 10: Homeward Bound
DeConstruction No. 4: Out of Balance
DeConstruction No. 11: Iris (Message to Theo)
DeConstruction No. 6: Good Girl
DeConstruction No. 1: Iconography
DeConstruction No.3: Triad